Chi Kung
Chi Kung together with acupuncture, acupressure, massage and phytotherapy is the basis of Chinese medical science. To better understand what Chi Kung is, it is essential to know what is meant by Chi. Chi is the energy or natural force that permeates and sustains the universe: cosmic energy. The term Kung, in Chinese, means energy and time. Any study or practice that requires a great deal of constant effort over a prolonged period of time is called Kung Fu. The term can be applied to any skill or study for which time, energy and continuity are required. Consequently, Chi Kung defines any technique or practice, concerning vital energy, which requires a lot of time and a lot of effort.
For thousands of years the Chinese have investigated the relationships between all things in nature, paying particular attention to the human being. Based on their observations, they created Chi Kung. The aim was to harmonize the energetic circulation of the body to the cycles of nature in order to avoid illness caused by climatic and seasonal changes. Beyond that, they discovered that through Chi Kung they could strengthen their energy circulation and slow down the natural degeneration of the body, while improving health and extending life.
Chi Kung was also used by warriors to improve and enhance their art and by the religious to facilitate the path to enlightenment.
Meditation and Chi Kung exercises in movement are currently used, not only in China, as gymnastics to maintain and improve health, to release anxiety and tension, to cure certain illnesses and to improve the quality and power in internal martial arts but also to acquire a more serene and positive vision of life.
Biospirals Pa Tuan Chin
The Pa Tuan Chin, or ‘eight pieces of precious brocade’, are ancient Chi Kung exercises to learn and modulate internal energy. Practiced throughout China it has developed into several different styles, each of which has proven its effectiveness. It belongs to Wai Dan in movement (alchemical elixir of life), a practice that consists in increasing the circulation of Chi by stimulating an area of the body. There are two categories of Wai Dan: moving and static. These eight pieces of precious brocade have been carefully studied based on the principles of moving Wai Dan.
The Biospirals Pa tuan chin, was created to activate the bodies primary axis whilst softening and lubricating all the joints. It brings the physical and energetic body to interact in unity through synchronized, harmonic, spiralling movements. If practiced constantly, it will bring the body to harmonious awareness, freeing the muscles and joints from their greatest enemy: tension. The Biospirals Pa Tuan Chin thus becomes an excellent warm-up training for any psychophysical activity.
Primary sequence
The Primary Sequence uses elements from different methods with a common goal: to recognize, nurture, and use the vital energy for health and martial arts. Another aspect that unites the elements is the strict respect for traditional principles and theories as handed down by the masters.
Through the combination of static positions, exercises in movement and others that draw inspiration from the animal world, the Primary Sequence accompanies and helps those who practice it to achieve these goals: to feel and understand Chi, to learn to lead Chi, to open the 12 main channels (Traditional Chinese Medicine).
Run Tun of the White Crane
The White Crane Run Tun is a relatively simple and short sequence, these features make it suitable for all levels. Only with assiduous practice is it possible to grasp its depth. Both physical and meditative exercises aim at achieving perfect unity between mental and vital energy.
The Run Tun of the White Crane favors the movement of the vertebral column, also bringing many benefits on a postural and articular level. It is particularly helpful in learning to perceive, empower and defend vital energy.
Chi Kung sull’arenile ad Aquavenice
Pa Tuan Chin
2011 Pescantina, Essere Istruttori, sequenza primaria
Castello di Belgioioso, Tai Chi Chi Kung
M° Franco Mescola, Run Tun